Thursday, November 8, 2012

Getting Ready to Play With Paint

I decided to go easy on myself and let my work on the Men's Banner Project at Comic Con count for the beginning of the Art Everyday challenge.

Getting Ready For Comic Con

This past weekend I created a Men's Banner at the Central Canada Comic Con. That was a fantastic event that I will be writing about on the Men's Banner Project blog  

Last Friday I ran around getting everything ready and at the end of the night I still hadn't found a place to prepare my banner material. I dropped in at the Urban Shaman Art Gallery for First Fridays (the first Friday of every month when the art galleries stay open late).  They let me use some of the gallery space to paint. 

I still need to wash the floor.
Comic Con Banner

Urban Shaman's Floor

Thursday, November 1, 2012

Art Everyday Month November 1

November always seems like a month of preparation, putting away pumpkins, costumes and consuming candy only to pull out Christmas decorations and planning gifts.  November is also the month of Native American Heritage Month, National Homeless Youth Month, National Novel Writing Month and Art Everyday Month. I haven’t actively participated in any of the awareness events or challenges.
Because there is so much going on right now I thought it would be a wonderful idea to try Art Everyday! 

My Favorite Doors

I love finding places and things that could be in a science fiction or fantasy film. This is part of an underground walk way near my work.  Located under the grain exchange building.  One day when I'm walking down this hallway each door will open with an oompa loompa leaving for work, with a couple of smurfs mixed in the crowd.  

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Flights of Fancy

Last November I traveled to the Philippines. I took a plane from Winnipeg to Vancouver, Vancouver to Hong Kong and Hong Kong to Manila. That entire trip took 19 hours. I am impatiently waiting for the day when the transporter thing on Star Trek is a reality.

I love traveling, I love being places, seeing different people and experiencing new things. I hope I'm able to travel for the rest of my life. What I'm not too fond of is flying. What really freaks me out is flying over water. I have the weirdest fear, I worry the plane will crash into the ocean. I'll survive and be lost at sea to finally meet my demise by being eaten by sharks. It's very elaborate and ridiculous.

Usually to get through flights I make sure I sit over the wing, I follow the safety presentation and try to fall asleep before take off. I usually bring a comfy blanket, a silky green sleep mask and a travel pillow.    

But for my 14 hour flight I couldn't fall asleep. I watched five different films, I laughed really loud, I cried an embarrassing amount and became increasingly tipsy from the complimentary wine (I had hoped it would help me fall asleep).  

I did yoga stretches along the isle. Now, that's something I normally don't do but I noticed a few people who looked like frequent flyers between Vancouver and Manila begin a light work out after 8 hours. So, I followed along.

I like airports. I find them interesting because they are the first glimpse you get of  the place you've landed in. I don't believe being in any airport is enough to get the sense of a city or country but it does give an impression. A small interpretation, like watching a one minute trailer for a two hour film. 

Otis the otter and a desert menu in Hong Kong

In the Hong Kong airport I had a delightful banana split and wandered around the cultural display. It was costumes from the Chinese Opera. 

Hong Kong

Friday, August 24, 2012

Friday's Feet

Getting Married - on the road to Niagara Falls

I'll be celebrating my 2 year wedding anniversary tomorrow Saturday, August 25.


Artist: Anna-Celestrya Carr
Taken August 2010

Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Wandering Around Las Vegas

Snoopers Welcome!
On a nine hour stop over in Las Vegas I took the opportunity to walk up and down the Strip. Being in Vegas made me loose any interest I had in gambling. There wasn't any games that I hadn't seen in other casinos, and it was too crowded and loud to actually take in the displays. My favorite place was the little replica of New York City, it made me feel tall. Walking around I felt like I was in my favorite game, Fallout New Vegas. I kept my eye for bottle caps and hummed Mack the Knife.

Something unexpected

Friday, August 3, 2012

Friday's Feet

Film Festivals and Feet

Artist: Anna-Celestrya
Taken: July 27, 2012

Monday, March 12, 2012

Praying Otters

Starting off my morning and my week in the best way possible, alongside an otter!