Tuesday, September 10, 2013

The Day Ends

August 29, 2013

The sun has gone into hiding, the day ending in a dark grey with the trees shivering.

I think in the beginning of summer the bugs in my brain were eating all my creative thoughts.

Perhaps they taste better than the dull ones?

Thursday, September 5, 2013

On The Way to New Jersey

August 22, 2013

Yuri and I took a little road trip from Stow, MA to somewhere in New Jersey to pick up his Oma and Opa. Usually for long car rides we listen to books on tape. Once on a trip from Ohio to Manitoba we listened to Jurassic Park. It was the middle of the night, in the middle of nowhere. I was convinced a velociraptor or tyrannosaurus was going to come running at the car. Anyway, for this trip we listened to World War Z. It was all daytime driving and it wasn’t an actual scary story.

I took pictures of signs I found interesting along the road. Honestly, this post isn’t going to be that remarkable. Looking over all the photos I took, I was thinking why’d I take all these? What am I going to do with them?

IMG_1446 I actually have no idea what town Sugar Hollow road is located in. I think we took a wrong turn…


The amazing thing about this picture is, we were not stuck in traffic and actually passed the sign really quickly. We successfully avoided all rush hour traffic in New York and Connecticut. Also, at this point in the book things got a little scary because they were talking about the highway we were on being jammed with scared people and attacking zombies.


Above is one of the most terrifying signs you’ll ever see! If it doesn’t scare you then you clearly haven’t seen The Legend of Sleepy Hollow narrated by Bing Crosby.


This picture is a bit fuzzy but I was really excited to see Canadian geese.


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That’s it for the pictures of our journey to New Jersey.

Monday, September 2, 2013

Surrounded by Forest


Yuri’s family lives in Stow MA, a small town outside of Boston. It’s basically a forest with houses squeezed in between the wildlife. A little ways from their house is a park called Delaney where the dog Maya likes to go for walks. So, we tagged along for a couple of her walks.


Above: Rare sighting of a Yuri in the wild.



Above: Maya and me. A couple of days before we arrived Maya treed a fisher cat near the house as well as bothered a skunk until she was sprayed. In her old age she is getting feisty.

Below: Maya relaxing in the muddy pond we were walking around. We thought it was a good idea for her to cool off and have a drink. But, then we remembered we had to get this wet doggy back in my mother-in-law's car.


Sunday, September 1, 2013

Different Feet On A Different Day


On Thursday I wasn’t well enough to go for a two hour hike to see the seals in Cape Cod. So, while I was wandering around the local galleries in Chatham, Yuri and his family were walking the coast line. Later when I was looking at all the pictures he took of the seals, I found a few pictures of Yuri’s feet. I thought it was so sweet that he would lie down to take some pictures of his feet with seals because I couldn’t be there. And that is exactly what I would have done if I had gone with them. I like how the light catches his blisters.

Below is a picture of a sassy seal.
